(above) Star Sweater (ala Kaffe Fassett,) knitted with wool, silk, cotton and synthetic fibers, 1988
Now I'm a fiber artist and teacher. My work begins with a dirty sheep fleece and ends up as textural, colorful explorations of nature.

(upper left) Syncopated Playtime, encaustic and thread, paper on wood panel, 2022
(upper middle) Umbrian Farms, plein air watercolor made on Arches paper, 2007
(upper right) Mosaic, encaustic, wax transfer and gold leaf on wood panel, 2022
I owe my love of art, color and creativity to those early explorations in Dave's classroom, and to the encouraging, creative culture that he nurtured there. Without realizing it, I believe that I learned how to open up my mind there, to make new connections. These early experiences of creative thinking set me up for success in a creative career. I am eternally grateful to you, David, for so intentionally creating an atmosphere where creativity could thrive and grow.
(below) Swimming Penguin, oil on canvas, 1977
(below) Red Boat on Still Waters, encaustic on wood panel, 2022