(above) The Mountain to Climb, ink on paper

(above) Daughter with her dog, ink on paper

(above) Granddaughter's Crib Quilt, quilted cotton fabric

(above) Quilted Jacket, quilted cotton fabric
When I first heard of the exhibit, I thought, "Not me! Janet's the artist of the family." But I remember how Mr. Hodge delighted in some of my creations, even though I judged myself and wished I could be as "artistic" as some of my classmates. I've learned to just enjoy the process of creating, without trying to be professional.
(above) The Mountain to Climb, ink on paper
(above) Daughter with her dog, ink on paper
(above) Granddaughter's Crib Quilt, quilted cotton fabric
(above) Quilted Jacket, quilted cotton fabric